
I visited Scalar Lounge in Wooloowin and had a 2 hour session there. This was my second visit. It's a beautiful, relaxing and quiet environment. I disappeared very quickly in a meditative state. It feels wonderful and very relaxing. With no real major health issues I just try to stay as healthy as possible. I have been using an Oura Ring for a few years and my ring shows higher results across the board. Out of 100 for Readiness (general health) I generally had a result around 75, sometimes early 80, which isn't too bad. After using the EESystem it now shows up from 85 to 92. And this is just one of the many increases. I have also been wearing an HFA mini for years. It's copper that turns dirty/dark during negative times. Very surprisingly, after the EESystem the HFA mini turned a golden colour one day, the next day a beautiful pink, then golden colour again. I have never seen that before. Very interesting! I also bought a pendant at Scalar Lounge that I am wearing 24hrs. I want to stay as healthy and mobile as possible and avoid the medical system. Thank you soo much for bringing the EESystem to Brisbane. I wish I lived a bit closer, so I could have a session more often.
August, 2024
I came to the Scalar Lounge in Brisbane with very sore and painful joints, lots of inflammation in my body and feeling very unwell. After my first two hour session in the Scalar Lounge the pain in my back disappeared. I now have had a total of six hours in the Scalar Lounge and feel amazed at the improvement in my body. I’m excited about my results and eagerly looking forward to continuing my sessions. Vivienne has been a great help and I feel so comfortable going there.
July, 2024
I visited the Scalar Lounge in Brisbane last week. What a beautiful spot. When you arrive, you are greeted by the peaceful sound of water, from a beautiful water feature in the entry to the Scalar Lounge. Greeted by your host, explaining everything you need to know to have a pleasant and refreshing experience. Had the best meditation/nap/meditation whilst, comfortable in a fabulous, comfy recliner. Two hours felt like 2 minutes. So brilliant to be able to completely disconnect and defrag in an ambient surround. I felt super, super relaxed. Highly recommend purchasing the Detox Bath Salts before you leave & have a bath or foot soak when you get home. It is the piece of resistance, cherry on top of self care (we all need more of it). After both EE System & detox, I felt sparkling new. Like every cell in my body had been spring cleaned Have had days of the best sleep I have had in years, less aches and pains, more energy, decreased brain fog and feeling more focused, waking up with a skip in my step. Highly recommend to try it out or get together with a group of friends to enjoy relaxation together. Very excited to try again soon. Thank you Vivienne for providing a sanctuary in suburbia. It’s like having a mini vacay for 2 hours, disconnecting from the world and reconnecting to self.
July, 2024
Viv and Glenda run an amazing service! I’ve attended several of their movie nights and there’s a great sense of community and like minded people passionate about healing. I feel so great in my mind and body after a session. Grateful for you and your service.
June, 2024
Being a skeptic for the third time now (once in Geelong, twice recently at Vivienne’s Scalar Lounge). I’ve come to the conclusion that there is definitely energy fields oscillating through these lounges, energy fields also felt within the body, putting you in that relaxed state of mind and body. Leaving replenished, revitalised. Like electric vehicles, our bodies our cells need recharging. Vivienne is very helpful and knowledgeable about the process of bringing the body back into equilibrium. I recommend visiting Vivienne’s Scalarlounge (charging station) you won’t be disappointed.
June, 2024
A great little place to access the benefits of the EESystem. If you don’t know what it is, then I recommend to research a little and learn about how it may help you We went in for a two hour session and really enjoyed the comfortable and calm space in the Scalar Lounge. Vivienne was very welcoming and is a wealth of knowledge in many of the health related topics we were wanting to ask questions about. We enjoy the benefits of spending time in the EESystem space and the positive effects on our being that we experience from it.
June, 2024
We have visited Scalar Lounge while in Qld over the weekend. Location is very convenient, close proximity to the airport. Scalar Lounge is very comfortable and our host Vivienne was lovely answering all our questions. It is apparent that she is very knowledgeable and passionate about what she does, helping to heal the world. Thank you Vivienne
June, 2024
Highly recommend scalar lounge. This i one of the best things you can do for your health. Vivienne is wonderful! She has explained the treatment answered all my questions and made really good suggestions to help body detox. My body felt different during the session, much more relaxed. This has been one of the most powerful but gentle health treatments that I have experienced.
May, 2024
I had my first session on Friday. Vivienne was very welcoming and took her time to explain the process as well as how to get real comfortable and what to expect during the session. The room is softly lit and I could hear a light humming sound which also helped me feel relaxed. I put on the noice reducing headphones to listen to the meditation and within a few minutes I fell asleep. I woke up to hear the last half hour of the meditation which was very nice. I could feel some energy gently moving and swirling within during the time I was there. I’ve felt very relaxed since my session and even slept right through the night last night, which I haven’t done for quite some time.
May, 2024
Amazing experience and feels like a loving caring community that helps each other.
May, 2024
After my second visit, I began to notice changes in my body. I wake up every morning with more energy. I sleep better at night and I have experienced no pain. Thank you for helping people with this incredible technology and thank you for everything you are doing for the benefit of mankind - everybody has got to experience this.
April, 2024
Highly recommend the EES system, I felt the benefits after the first session and now go regularly. Scalar Lounge is a calm and inviting environment.
April, 2024
It was an interesting experience. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Everything was explained to us on arrival. I went into a very deep meditative sleep once in the room where we were exposed to the energy field. On completion I didn’t feel any different but the next day I felt lighter, my thinking was clearer & I slept really well.
April, 2024
Feedback on Movie Night:
Root Cause Thank you for such a wonderful evening tonight. It was fantastic to connect with such like minded people and seeing this documentary on the big screen with Frazer making himself available for a Q&A was a real treat. Then to top it off with your hosting, lovely food and being immersed in the EES, what more could someone want! 10/10 and can’t wait for the next
March 2024
Normally each morning is a struggle. So much stress to get Cooper who is 11 to get dressed and do what he needs to do to go to school. It has never been any different. Well after coming to you last night I woke up at 7am and Cooper had already gotten up, made his own breakfast which is so unlike him. He had gotten dressed, even shoes and brushed his teeth. So many of those things we try so hard to get him to do and most of the time something like brushing his teeth is just refused. The change is so dramatic and it was such a calm and happy morning. Thank you.
Kiera, Cooper’s Mum.
Cooper has been diagnosed with Autism and EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) (This was Cooper’s 6th 2-hour session in the EESystem at Scalar Lounge in Brisbane)
Having lived over 21 years with a severe acquired head injury this has given me back my life. The symptoms I had were so severe I was bed ridden for 90% of those years unable to walk and many times unable to communicate. I spent the first 19 years in full darkness with all windows covered with total blackout. Symptoms disorder sensation between hot and cold, severe photophobia, headaches, nausea, paroxysmal vomiting, permanent vertigo, epilepsy, cataplexy, narcolepsy, disorientation, sensory/motor skills, poor balance, acoustic nerve change, decreased hearing, constant tinnitus. visual disturbance. I fractured my pelvis twice over 2 years. I am 69. I am starting to live again.
January 13, 2024
I was diagnosed with an Acquired Brain Injury in 2023 after having brain surgery in 2016 to remove a tumour on my Pineal Gland. Lately I haven’t been able to walk up or down stairs without walking sideways and/or having someone hold me. Today after my first session in the EESystem (A 10-hour overnight) I’ve been able to walk down and up stairs without having to walk sideways. Also I haven’t needed to hold onto the handrail! I can see where the stairs start and end. My husband and I are both sitting here crying with this improvement. How incredible.
March, 2024
I did have the most incredible breakthrough experience during my last Saturday scalar session. An emotional healing that I'm still feeling the rewards of. Since then I've been a different person ❤️
Feb 2, 2024
I just had my second session in the scalar lounge. It was amazing. Both times were different but I felt the energy transform me in a very physical way. I would definitely recommend this to anyone. Once you have tried it you will be back for sure.
Dec, 2023
Jan, 2024
Jan, 2024
Loving my Scalar Lounge EESystem sessions so far! I have had two 10-hour sleep-overs within a week of each other. First time felt a little weird but also amazing! Did have a detox the next day. The second one a week later my body adapted to the frequencies better and it was incredible! Had the best sleep there in the beautiful, comfy bed and was bouncing out of my skin for days later! I really felt amazing in my body and one of the things I’ve noticed since is my heart palpitations I was getting daily have stopped!! I really believe in the EESystem therapy and will continue to see what more I can experience health-wise from these sessions.
Oct 9, 2023
I found the scalar sessions very relaxing each time with a nice floaty feeling in my body. After my scalar sessions (and detox baths) I noticed a significant detox reaction each time with mild headaches and heaviness. (This is appreciated as my body has always struggled with detoxing so any support is appreciated, and I just kept my water up as recommended.) My sleep in the following days was lovely and deep too! I've also noticed a moderate easing of my perimenopausal symptoms in the last couple of months with monthly bleeds being more manageable, and less painful. I'm on a waiting list for surgery for this issue, but the reduction in symptoms has me wondering whether I may actually be able to postpone or cancel and is at least making the wait less stressful. Curious to see how this goes over the coming months and will be back for another session when I can.
Caroline, therapist,
Dec 5, 2023
To be honest I was completely skeptical but I went to my 2 hour session with an open mind. I came out feeling very calm and relaxed. By the evening I felt I had so much more energy than normal and now I understand that my cells had been recharged. But what took me by complete surprise was that the excruciating nerve pain had reduced to bearable and I slept without strong pain medication for the first time in months. It was so good to come out of the haze of pain medication yesterday
Oct 9, 2023
My condition was Traumatic Brain Injury 2002 The benefits I am getting are outstanding, constant vertigo vomiting gone after 21 years. I can see better without glasses and they are making me nauseous when I put them on now. There is a complete shift in my body mind and spirit undeniably. I feel absolutely amazing 🤩
Dec 5, 2023
I am so grateful that we have access to the incredible EESystem at the Scalar Lounge here in Brisbane. Vivienne provides a very safe, professional and inspiring environment in which she operates the EESystem. The EESystem at the Scalar Lounge is now an important and regular part of my own wellness program and a pivotal addition to my referral network for my clients.
David. Naturopath and Kinesologist, Brisbane.
Dec 4, 2023
I just had my second session in the scalar lounge. It was amazing. Both times were different but I felt the energy transform me in a very physical way. I would definitely recommend this to anyone. Once you have tried it you will be back for sure.
Dec 9, 2023
I've been struggling from fatigue recently, and even with taking all the steps I normally take, having recovered several times before, it hadn't been lifting. My sleep for the week prior had also been disturbed. After my first 2 hr session at the Scalar Lounge a few days ago I had improved energy and sleep and my sleep returned to its normal pattern. My body also felt a little lighter and my belly a little flatter. These are nice bonuses I wasn't seeking and I attribute that to the detoxing effects. I'm back for another session today and curious to see what other changes and improvements I notice
Nov 20, 2023
After 2hr session, tension in the head and body have dissipated. Feeling of a relaxed mind and body and improved mood.
Nov 20, 2023
I’m a 33 year old woman who was recently diagnosed with having a 29x28x31mm posterior fossa meningioma - this is a brain tumor. I've had migraines since 2018 but they always resolved after a few days. In the weeks leading up to my diagnosis, I had severe migraines that were unrelenting. It felt like my brain was on fire. This crippling pain left me bedridden and unable even to lift my head off the pillow. After my 2nd or 3rd 2-hour session my pain COMPLETELY disappeared! In addition to my brain tumour, I have many more symptoms (eye floaters, pulsatile tinnitus, etc) reduce significantly to about 10% of what they were. I also have noticed that wearing the medallions makes a big difference as do the salt baths. I continue to attend Scalar Lounge and will see how my MRI looks in due course. So grateful for the EESystem!
Oct 13, 2023
After 2nd visit before I came into the Scalar Lounge yesterday I felt at a very low point, probably the lowest I have ever felt. The previous night I had very little sleep due to the chronic pain in my fingers and arms. My fingers and hands were very inflamed and my arm was very sore from unpacking... After my 4.5 hour session, my fingers felt and looked less swollen and the excruciating pain had subsided to bearable. The pain in both my right arm and my left foot was completely gone. I felt my energy and vitality had been restored. After the salt bath, I had the best night's sleep I have had since the night after my first session in the Scalar Lounge. My sleep is definitely better, deeper and more restorative after sessions in the Scalar Lounge. To be perfectly honest, I do not know of any other method or modality that is able to provide the level of results that the Scalar frequencies do in the space of a few hours. My pain was relieved, my energy restored, my general well-being went from very low to as close to back to normal as could be. Having experienced one session and then a double, the double session seems to have had a greater impact on the healing within my body compared to how I felt after one session. I am looking forward to coming again. I am so grateful, thank you."
Oct 16, 2023


This project would not exist without the continued support of Julien & Dolores Willm of www.consciouslyhappy.com & a lifetime of support from Aunty Nina.  May you all be blessed always for all the love and kindness you have given me

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