remote wellness
Elevate Your Wellness, No Matter Where You Are

Remote EE Frequencies available for you wherever you are!
You are invited to be part of a Remote Wellness Experience with a community of people guided to explore new ways of becoming their greater selves.
Dr. Stella, head of LVHC, is a medical intuitive and functional medicine expert, while Gina Pero, a life coach specialist, will provide personalized guidance through 1-on-1 calls, inspirational messages, resources, and materials. Additionally, a dedicated support team will be available to assist you with just a call or text.
Scalar Lounge has partnered with LVHC to present remote wellness for you here in Australia.

If you have any enquiries about the remote please call us in the first instance on 0483 219 512, or if you need to speak with the Las Vegas Holistic Center you can send a WhatsApp message to their remote line on +1 (702) 357-8077 or call their office on +1 (702) 352-3021.
The three programs offered are:
12 Month
Customisable from
1 Hour to 6 hours a day
US$66 per month
US$742 for 12 months
Here are some of the testimonials received by LVHC:
Here is a video of Dr Joe Dispenza being interviewed where he talks about how remote healing works. The whole interview is fascinating but if you want to zero in on where he talks about remote healing go to 30’.
Who is this program for?
The Remote Wellness Program is for those who can’t make it to the Centre for sessions; those too sick to travel; those who are coming to sessions but want a steady input every day of frequencies to help them stay elevated; those who live remotely; or for those who find this arrangement more suitable and would enjoy receiving frequencies on a daily basis.
Will I notice anything?
You may well notice changes in your energy, mood, state of relaxation, sleep, mental clarity and more.
What is the difference between Remote Frequencies and coming in to Scalar Lounge?
The Remote frequencies have the benefit of being transmitted to you daily so you are always supported by them. The frequencies at Scalar Lounge are stronger so if you want to see changes sooner, then coming in for sessions is the best option. A combination of both approaches is ideal as you have the best of both.
How does it work?
Remote sessions in a number of modalities have been offered for a long time. On the quantum level, time and space do not exist so sending frequencies directly to you from a distance is no problem. In your sign-up process a photo will be requested and it’s through the photo and a very tested and verified method that the remote wellness program is set up. Dr Sandra Rose Michael has personally visited the LVHC and overseen the method of sending the remotes and given her seal of approval.
Does it matter if I wear an EE hypercharged medallion?
In fact wearing an EE hypercharged medallion enhances your reception of the frequencies. It acts like a landing place for the frequencies and by wearing it your body field is already slightly elevated.
This project would not exist without the continued support of Julien & Dolores Willm of & a lifetime of support from Aunty Nina. May you all be blessed always for all the love and kindness you have given me