The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit, and Science.

How does the Energy Enhancement System work?
The Energy Enhancement System (EES) system generates multiple bio-active, life-enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves, and a morphogenic energy field, also known as a torsion field or scalar vortex. When combined with light as biophotons, it can interface with the body’s DNA matrix and promote the body to heal in very extraordinary ways. Your body already knows what to do, this system just gives it the energy to do it.
The EESystem is a set of custom built and installed computers designed to generate energy fields that promote the body’s ability to self-heal. This bio-active life-enhancing field combines colour therapy, light therapy and scalar wave technology.
What are Scalar Waves?
A Scalar field is known as a fifth-dimensional non-linear field. Scalar fields exist out of relative time and space, thus they do not decay over time or distance from their source. They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter.
The human body has crystalline structures in every cell wall that are capable of holding a charge. When the human body enters a Scalar field the electro magnetic field of the individual becomes excited. EESystem uses Scalar technology to return the body to a more original and appropriate electrical matrix.
The EESystem has been clinically studied by multiple 3rd party individuals. These studies have provided evidence of the potential of bio scalar energy to boost human cell regeneration, immune functions, and neurotransmitter functions. It can help eliminate and nullify effects of disruptive frequencies in the body while optimizing cellular energy levels to 70-90 millivolts.
This means that EESystem can significantly increase your energy, mental clarity, enhanced health, and overall well-being.
Our Scalar Lounge
This EESystem Lounge seats 10 people and includes very comfortable recliners including one electric lift chair if anyone requires this.
Please notify us ahead of time if you will require the lift chair so we can reserve it for you.
Our centre is located in Wooloowin, which is a quick 10 minutes from Brisbane Airport and a handy 15 minutes from the city centre.
Further information can be found on our Contact page.
Filtered water is provided but we recommend you bring your own water bottle so you can have a large supply of water to drink during your session.
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Contact form
Our centre is located in Wooloowin, which is a quick 10 minutes from Brisbane Airport, a handy 15 minutes from the city centre, and a short 10-minute walk from both Eagle Junction & Wooloowin train stations.
Eagle Junction is only 2 stops from the Brisbane Domestic Airport and just 1 stop from the International Airport.
Bus lines 369, 321 & 320 are all within a close walking distance and handy parking is available at no cost.
This project would not exist without the continued support of Julien & Dolores Willm of & a lifetime of support from Aunty Nina. May you all be blessed always for all the love and kindness you have given me