5D Healing with the EESystem – Experience the Revolution

This article first appeared in Holistic Bliss Online Magazine

The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) has rapidly gained popularity worldwide, with the number of centres open to the public skyrocketing from 15 to over 300 in just 18 months. This cutting-edge system harnesses the power of customized computer technology to generate profoundly bioactive, life-enhancing fields, including scalar energy. These fields have the potential to revolutionise our well-being. The EESystem’s efficacy is substantiated by ongoing quantifiable research and evidence-based studies.

The key to understanding the EESystem’s impact lies in its ability to recharge cells. As our cells age, they lose voltage, leading to a diminished capacity for recovery. Scalar energy restores vitality to these cells, with a healthy charge typically measuring between 70 to 90 millivolts. By exposing the body to an environment that raises cellular millivoltage, we are creating a cellular charge that is potentially life enhancing. Furthermore, when cells receive this charge, they allocate the energy to upregulate cellular, organ, or systemic functions wherever needed within the body.

What sets this holistic approach apart is its departure from the conventional problem-solution paradigm. Rather than prescribing specific remedies for various conditions, the EESystem floods the body with multiple bioactive life-enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves. This elevates your frequency and empowers your body to address its unique priorities. What is important to understand is that the technology does not heal, treat or cure anything. It just creates a hyper healthy-energy environment that allows the body to heal itself.

Notably, the EESystem is exceptionally inclusive. There are no contraindications for this very healthy environment. Whether you are pregnant, trying to conceive, have a pacemaker, have undergone organ transplant, or are dealing with conditions like depression or PTSD, the EESystem is not only safe but recommended for all.

Clients turn to the EESystem for various reasons. Many come to improve their well-being, others desire to optimise their athletic performance and expedite recovery, while others desire to experience deep relaxation. Remarkably, studies indicate that you can achieve a meditative state as profound as that of a Tibetan monk in just seven minutes using the EESystem. It’s a powerful tool for transformation that’s accessible to all.

Over two decades of rigorous testing by medical experts, physicists and scientists, including renowned physicist John Orava, a Pentagon Pattern Energy Consultant and President of the Bio-Physicists Foundation, has revealed part of the remarkable nature of this technology. Utilising a specialised oscilloscope, valued at over US$100,000, Dr Orava observed a remarkable transformation.

“Normally you would see a 60-cycle pattern from all the electrical equipment around us in this room. You notice there is no cycle showing here, which is, according to most physics, impossible. So, it’s taking the contaminating energy from the surroundings and changing it into beneficial energy patterns. It’s transmuting non-beneficial energy to beneficial energy! And probably to the typical scientist, this would look like unexplainable magic. But it’s just physics at a very high level”.

So come and experience some of this magic for yourself.

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